• NVMS2.1.4 Professional Software
  • NVMS2.1.4 Professional Software

NVMS2.1.4 Professional Software

NVMS Pro Integrated Security Management Platform

NVMS Pro (NVMS Professional Edition) is a newly video surveillance management platform released by TVT, featuring seamless access to all TVT's products and encoding devices of the famous manufacturers in the industry. With the powerful capability of video surveillance management, it supports real-time preview, record storage, record playback, record download, alarm linkage, decoding on TV Wall, keyboard control, vehicle entrance and exit management as well as intelligent analytics. Moreover, multi-subsystem of the third party in the security surveillance industry can be accessed to this platform, such as alarm system, access control system, etc. Therefore, NVMS  Pro can meet the client's demands of centralized video management and can be widely used in the video surveillance of industrial park, education, banking, chain stores and buildings.

  • NVMS2.1.4 Professional Software
  • NVMS2.1.4 Professional Software






Max. number of channel access:10,000CH

Max. number of device access:10,000

Max. decoding capability:128 CH

Max. number of transfer server access:32 servers

Max. number of storage screen display:32 servers 

Max. number of screen display:100 CH, auto-switch supported

Max. number of plan view:64

Max. number of users:1024 users ( a maximum of 64 users preview simultaneously)

Max. number of synchronous playback:16 CH


NVMS2.1.4 Professional Software
Device Access
Supports TVT private protocol, ONVIF protocol, standard RTSP, SDK
Supports adding devices by manually entering IP address, domain name or IP range, by auto search, or by auto report
Supports adding devices by manually entering IP address, domain name, serial number, URL or IP range, by auto search, or by auto report
Setting the network of the devices before quick adding them
Resource Management
Supports channel (or camera) group management and device area management
Supports centralized management of decoding devices, alarm hosts, access control system/attendance system and platform services
Supports hot spare function of storage and transfer servers
Device Configuration
Supports the basic configuration and user management of the devices
Supports the date, time and time zone, network, email and DDNS configuration of the devices
Supports getting the information of the device's HDDs
Supports multi-OSD setup of one channel
Supports the camera's ROI, video mask and motion detection settings
Supports intelligent analytics
Supports the camera's resolution, frame rate, VBR/CBR, image quality and bitrate settings
Supports the camera's brightness, contrast, saturation, hue, AZ settings, etc.
The parameters of multiply devices can be set at one time
Supports configuring record plan for storage devices
Supports device application scenes, face capture source, face capture schedule settings
User Management
Supports multi-user talk
Supports user MAC address binding
Supports user lock
Supports different users and permission
Supports permission based on resources and operation
Permission can be assigned to each channel (or camera) of the device
Supports snapshots in the live view mode and playback mode
Supports triggering camera snapshot
Record Storage
Multiple storage types, such as IP-SAN, NAS and iSCSI
Supports schedule record, alarm linkage record, manual record
Supports image and video storage
Supports multiple alarm types: Motion alarm, sensor alarm, smart event linkage alarm, line crossing counting linkage alarm, face match linkage alarm,
access control linkage alarm, arming or disarming linkage alarm, allow/block list vehicle alarm, etc.
Supports multiple alarm linkages: Platform recording, client message pop-up, client preview, audio, decoding on TV Wall, device recording, device snapshot,
local recording, local snapshot , email reminder and so on
Supports arming or disarming.
Supports SOP (alarm handling process) configuration
Supports alarm information export by time period
Supports manual alarm output
Decoding On TV Wall
Supports working with decoders or decoding matrix to control multiple video walls
Supports12MP/ 8MP/5MP/4MP/3MP/1080P/720P
Supports decoding on TV wall in the audio format of G.722, G.711A, G.711U or AAC
Support live view and playback on TV wall
Supports 1/4/9/16/25/36 screen mode
Supports window merging and splitting, opening window and roaming
Supports multiple splicing modes: 1x1, 1x2, 2x1, 2x2,  3x1, 3x2, 3x3, 4x1, 4x2, 4x3, 4x4, 4x5, 4x6, 4x7, 4x8
Up to 999 plans configurable
Supports channel group and plan sequence view
Plan task configurable
Supports triggering decoding on TV wall; customized alarm window (unlimited)
Supports notification for node offline
Electronic Map
Supports Baidu map and picture map. The picture map supports JPG, BMP, PNG and TIF formats
Supports multi-level maps; adding, modifying, moving, deleting hot spots (monitoring points, sensor)
Supports layer edition and display as well as self-defined layer
Supports alarm linkage, like icon flickering, video pop-up
Video preview, image search by image; E-map monitoring
Data Dashboard
Self-defining the desired display modules, including video
Window, face comparison, body temperature measurement, E-map, smart snapshot, traffic flow statistics and remaining parking space
Face Greeting
Supports self-defining the style and other configuration items of the greeting interface
Real-time visitor information display on the client
The VIP visitor ’s photo will be shown on the pop-up window of the sub-screen and the corresponding audio will be broadcast simultaneously
Single visitor loop play time can be configured in seconds
Greeting pop-up window quantity, height and duration configurable
Support visitor access records search
Parking Lot Management
ANPR camera access
Total/remaining space display
Barrier gate control, manual/auto opening
Historical vehicle entering or exiting information search
Adding, modifying and deleting vehicle information and their parking permission
Entrance/exit lane configuration
Overstaying parking search and self-defining overstaying threshold
Block list management (adding, modifying and searchingvehicles to /in the block list)
Supports statistics of vehicles entering, exiting and staying in the parking lot and these statistical data can be exported
Industrial Temperature Measurement
Real-time video preview of security thermal cameras
Real-time display of point/line/area temperature
Supports temperature rule settings and real-time display of temperature curve chart
All temperature data can be searched and exported as needed
Alarm Host Management
Supports subsystems and zones of the alarm host displayed in form of  resource tree or map
Supports various alarm linkage settings for subsystems and zones of the alarm host
Single or multi-channel video will be linked when an alarm event happens
Supports bypass, arming and disarming reverse operations to the alarm host
Live View
Supports multi-screen display mode:
Supports 1/2/3/4/6/8/9/10/13/16/117/21/25/33/36/49/64/84/100 standard screen display mode
Supports 2/4/6/7/9/12/16/24/36/48 widescreen display mode; Supports customized screen display mode
Supports corridor mode
Supports adding fisheye and panoramic cameras
Supports channel group auto-switch
Supports stream self-adaption and one-key stream switch
Supports aspect ratio switch
Supports steam copy
Supports multi-monitor display
Supports instant playback
Supports decoding with hardware
Supports device’s smart area and result display
Supports smart view mode
Two-way Talk and Broadcast
Supports remote listening
Supports two-way talk
Supports 8K or 16K audio sampling rate
Supports multiply audio formats: G.711 a-law, G.711 u-law, G.722.1, G.726, AAC, MP2L2, PCM
Supports voice broadcast and audio file customization
PTZ Control
PTZ remote control, including preset, track and cruise calling and settings
Supports zoom in/out and focus+/-
Supports PTZ protocol configuration
Supports 3D positioning control (the target can be quickly positioned and captured by box selection
Support scheduled tasks, wiper one-button guard and one-button cruise configurations
Record Playback and Backup
Supports multi-channel simultaneous and asynchronous playback
Supports multiple record source playback
Supports multi-window playback
Supports playback by channel, time slice, time, tag and event search
Supports one-key stream switch, aspect ratio switch
Supports playback by frame, dragging the progress bar, fast forward or slow speed
Supports record backup: manual backup, scheduled backup, backup by channel, time, tag and event search; supports cutting records and backup in the playback interface
Supports smart playback by face or license plate
Supports POS record playback
Supports pre-alarm, post-alarm and offline record settings
Supports pre-alarm and post-alarm record settings
Line Crossing Counting
Supports the threshold settings of people/motor vehicle/non-motor vehicle entering and exiting
Supports daily,  monthly people/motor-vehicle/non motor vehicle flow display by chart
Supports historical people/motor vehicle/non-motor vehicle counting displayed in a histogram or curve graph and exported to an Excel
Supports single/multi-channel real-time statistics and daily/monthly/yearly statistics via E-map
Historical data searched by single/multi-channel, time period and line crossing and exported to a curve graph or histogram, or an Excel
Group Management
Supports binding devices and people group; The personal information of the group will automatically transfer to the device database
and then these people will be given access permission.
Supports batch adding and importing face pictures; people attribution information configurable
Supports vehicle registration to allow or block list
Supports personal information registration to person list or block list
Supports image search and playback by face image (captured face image or uploaded face picture) and all searched face images can be viewed via the list or track on the E-map
Supports face comparison result search and export
Supports license plate comparison result search and export
The captured face/human body/motor vehicle/non-motor vehicle images can be searched and exported
Face Attendance
Attendance time configurable
Supports flexible attendance
Supports multiple shift settings for one person
Supports viewing today’s attendance status
Supports attendance check point settings
Supports real-time display of attendance overview
Supports displaying the employee’s photo and the compared time on the right panel after successful comparison 
Supports multi-screen display mode (1/4/8/9/16); the face attendance video can be projected onto a sub-screen
The attendance record can be viewed and filtered by day, week, month,  working day/ non-working day/late/leaving early/overtime working/normal working/check-in /no check-in
Supports attendance display by week, month or year
Supports displaying attendance status and overtime working status in the form of a list, which can be exported to an Excel
Supports sending attendance report regularly
Supports attendance handling log search
Access Control Management
Supports access control system(controller, door lock/magnetic switch) display in form of  resource tree or map
Supports alarm linkage configuration for access control events
Supports access control event search by filtering condition
Remotely opening the door
Temperature Measurement
Human temperature  and mask status real-time view
Record search by filtering conditions
Recent seven-day statistics and statistical display
Temperature exception pop-up window, information editable (including whether to go to the affected area, name, phone number, ID number, address, etc.)
The record can be searched according to time range, temperature range, whether to go to the affected area, processing status and key words, and it also can be exported to an Excel
Historical statistics: curve chart, bar graph and Excel can be exported and the data of each time period can be displayed.
Supports a lot of alarm linkages based on over temperature people detection
Supports TVT thermal camera or the third-party temperature measurement device access
Visitor Management
Supports visitor list adding and visitor record search
Supports displaying the visitor’s photo and the compared time on the right panel after successful comparison 
Real-time display of the number of today’s visitors, visitors to be approved and the current visitors
Face Access Control
Real-time display of pass record
Supports access control device management
Supports answering/reject the call, talk with the device end
Supports pass record search and incoming call search
Supports keyboard control
Supports overload protection
Supports expansion through license file authorization
Supports operation and maintenance management:
Operating, system and alarm logs can be searched and exported by time, type and user
Supports B/S client, C/S and Android mobile APP
Supports illegal lock
Supports password protection and password retrieve by dynamic code.


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